Update: June 11, 2024: We have switched to a new member database and logging hours are different. Use the login button below and then
Register your membership
Go to “Volunteer” and register as a volunteer
Apply to the projects you work on. Wait a 1/2 day (it needs approval)
Then under “volunteer projects” you should see your projects and you can create timesheets.
It's volunteers like you that make everything happen. Multiple projects throughout the year need additional volunteers to contribute time and expertise. Whether it's trail maintenance, event logistics, committee partners or community outreach, there are many places for folks to get involved. Literally everyone has skills we can use. That includes you!
COGGS would love your help!
Board & Committee Volunteer Opportunities
Board Position Openings
COGGS Membership Director - Click to learn more/apply
COGGS Fundraising Director - Click to learn more/apply
Committee position Openings
Trail Work Volunteer Opportunities
We continually need motivated people to help build and maintain our trail network. There are dozens of opportunities all summer long, with a huge variety of required skill sets. If you like to be outside, work hard, meet new people, and have a good time doing it - trail work is for you. The volunteer trail crews make up the heart and soul of COGGS. Click the links below to sign up for our weekly trail work nights:
Lester Trail Work- Monday
Hartley Trail Work-Tuesday
Keene Bike Park-Tuesday
Mission Creek Trail Work-Wednesday
Piedmont Trail Work-Thursday
Specific Trail Volunteer Needs
Weed whippers - Flexible time requirements. Equipment and training provided.
Trail corridor clearing - debris pickup, moving small rocks, fallen branches/trees, etc.
Leaf blowing - September/October/November timeframe. This extends the season and makes for safer trails. Flexible time requirements. Equipment and training provided.
A waiver is required for all volunteer trail work. Download a waiver here.
